Sophie la girafe is BABY'S FIRST TOY, stimulating EACH OF HIS SENSES from the age of 3 months. Sight At the age of 3 months, a baby's eyesight is still limited and he can only make out high contrasts. The dark and contrasting attention-catching spots all over Sophie la girafe's body provide visual stimulation and she soon becomes a familiar and reassuring object for baby.
Hearing Sophie la girafe's squeaker keeps baby amused and stimulates his hearing. To begin with, the funny sound she makes when she is squeezed helps to stimulate his hearing, and then later, helps him to understand the link between cause and effect.
Smell The singular scent of natural rubber from the Hevea tree makes Sophie la girafe very special and easy for your child to identify amid all his other toys.
Taste Made of 100% natural rubber and food-grade paints, she is completely safe to chew. Sophie la girafe is akin to the nipple of a feeding-bottle. Her soft texture and numerous chewable parts (ears, horns, legs), makes her perfect for soothing baby's sore gums during teething.
Touch Touch is the first means a baby has to communicate with the outside world. Sophie la girafe's soft feel, like baby's mother's skin, stimulates physiological and emotional responses that soothe baby and promote healthy growth and well-being.
Easy to grip Thanks to her shape and 18cm size, Sophie la girafe is perfect for baby's small hands. She is very light, and her long legs and neck make it easy for baby to grip, even from his earliest days.