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Hair loss: how not to lose hair and spirit!

Hair loss: how not to lose hair and spirit!

Hair loss is a sensitive issue that affects both men and women as it defines our appearance and, consequently, our mood and psychology. Therefore, prevention and treatment of hair loss is to be taken seriously


But what causes it? 


First of all, loosing hair is normal! 


During our adult life, our head has 100,000 to 150,000 hairs that are born, grow and die in a life cycle that lasts two to six years. Each hair that falls out is replaced by another, in a process that «gets rid» of 50 to 100 hair follicles daily from our head, a number that is considered completely normal. The problem begins when we lose too much hair for more than 2 months and - mainly - when the old hairs are not replaced with new ones.  


What are the most common causes of hair loss? 


Hair loss can be chronic or seasonal and is influenced by genetic or environmental factors. 

 1.Male or female alopecia

The most common cause of hair loss for men, leading to baldnessis often inherited. It occurs mainly in men - usually on the top of the head and temples - but can also affect women. In case of heredity, hair loss is almost predetermined and difficult to prevent. 

2.Hormonal Disorders

Quite often, a hormonal disorder is accompanied by hair loss. Menopause, pregnancy and the period after (breastfeeding and puerperium), a dysfunctional thyroid gland, polycystic ovaries, are conditions that affect our hair as well. 

3.Skin diseases

Scalp infections, fungal infections, eczema and other skin conditions are often responsible for thinning hair. 

4. Poor nutrition and lack of vitamins

Express diets with poor nutrition in minerals and trace minerals, consumption of junk food and delicacies with little nutritional value, malnutrition and lack of vitamins, can trigger a series of effects on the body, directly hurting hair, nails and skin.

Supplements with Iron, Biotin, Zinc, Keratine are essential for our health but also for the growth and regeneration of our hair.

4. Emotional and physical disorders

Our mental exhaustion impacts to hair loss. Stress, depression, fatigue, lack of sleep, not only affect our soul but our scalp as well. Also, exhausting diets that cause great weight loss, unbalances the body and lead to hair loss. 

5. Medications

Medications (e.g., for stress, arthritis, depression, contraception) or treatments (e.g., chemotherapy, radiation) have the side effect of hair loss.

6. Hair abuse

Woften cause damage to our hair, with excessive use of styling products and hairdressing techniques - dyes, highlights, etc. Also, tight ponytails and braids damage the hair and aggravate hair loss. 

How do we deal with hair loss? 


If our hair loss is not related to heredity or other disease, we can prevent the loss by shaping another way of life. 


  • We change our diet

 It sounds cliché, but the truth is that a proper and balanced diet benefits the human body and therefore our hair. A diet rich in fruitsvegetables, whole grain foods (rich in vitamins and minerals) and proteins (which boost the body's energy) is an important arsenal in our fight against hair loss. At the same time, taking multivitamin pharmaceutical mixture, which contain iron, zinc, fatty acids and trace minerals, strengthen the body and stimulate the health of the hair. 


  • We change our lifestyle

 We get rid of off all bad habits that sabotage our health, and we apply rules of well-being. We stop smoking, we avoid stress, we say "no" to sedentary life, we improve our sleep. Our moods swing is also reflected in our healthy, strong and shiny hair. 


  • We change our hair routine

We examine from scratch the care products we have in our bathroom and, with the help of our dermatologist and/or pharmacist, we determine the type of products, the frequency, the type of treatment our hair deserve. 

We incorporate the massage into the head during the bath ritual. Hyperemia caused by massage helps strengthen the hair. Shampoos, oils, masks and other strengthening products are available in many pharmacies and we must choose the ones that suit our hair and skin type for us to shine. 

Finally, we gently dry of our hair with the hair dryer and brush them gently as well, and we avoid the tight braids that strain the hair and our scalp. And, if we want an elaborate hairstyle, we turn to the experts, who know how to safely manage our hair! 



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