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Cosmetics for Adult Acne

Cosmetics for Adult Acne

Do you know that face acne can occur after puberty? Although acne is often seen as a problem that only afflicts adolescents, this is not actually the case. The truth is that it also afflicts adult women, as it can occur even after 40 years. Almost half of women aged 21-30 and one-quarter of women aged 31-40 suffer from acne. 


What we need to do as a first step when we detected signs of acne on our face is to contact a specialist for advice. 

This specialist may initially be our pharmacist or dermatologist. 

Our primary concern is to determine whether we are properly applying our daily facial care routine with the right products to treat acne.

What are the differences between Adolescent Acne and Adult Acne? 

In adolescents, acne usually occurs on the forehead and cheekbones, while in adult women lesions are most often found on the chin, jawline i.e. the lower half of the face and neck. 

There is also a difference in the type of lesions of acne. Teenagers have more black spots (open eaters), white cysts and some red irritated pimples. 

In adult women, acne usually manifests itself in red, irritated deeper lesions, of varying size that can also be painful. Black or white spots (open-closed eaters) are less common in these cases. 

Signs of Adult Acne: 

  • Blocked pores
  • Vlatidoflycatinides 
  • Located at the bottom of the face and neck- area U
  • Persistent acne that doesn't go away easily 
  • Deeper damage 

What may be the causes of adult acne? 

  1. First, we need to check the hormone levels in the blood serum since most of the time the cause is elevated hormones that cause the overproduction of sebum and hyperkeratinization.

Hormonal disorders clearly can cause the appearance of adult acne in women. But even in cases of a normal cycle, you may find that your acne gets worse when your period approaches or when you feel stressed.

Excessive and incorrect use of cosmetic products. Cosmetic products can sometimes cause us this type of acne especially if our skin does not 'tolerate' certain ingredients that our used products contain or when we use one product after another- so-called layering

Also, caution should be paid to the cosmetic creams we use to be for the right skin type, such as dry, normal, oily skin, oily skin with acne tendency, mixed skin.

2.Medical causes, medications. Sometimes we may use a drug that causes this type of acne. 

3.Acne ''excorie'' . Do you see a pimple mark and immediately press and irritate it? Then this is definitely if not the cause of adult acne but the cause that the problem does not subside after pressing the pimple transfer the germs to the rest of the skin. 

4. Hereditary history. Adult women's acne is often found in members of the same family, as about half of sufferers have a mother or sister with the same problem. 

5.Stress, obesity, diet. It is claimed that dairy products (e.g. cow's milk and cheese) and foods with a high glycemic level (e.g. foods and drinks high in sugar, potatoes, white bread and white rice) can worsen acne.

More research is needed on the role of stress in acne. More than 60% of women surveyed believe stress worsens their acne. 

How can we deal with adult acne? 

Depending on the clinical form and severity of the condition, treatment can be done with topical medicinal substances (creams, masks) or with oral medicines (tablets, capsules) or a combination of them. This medication targets three points:

  • Anti-inflammatory action: reduces inflammation and irritation of the skin. 
  • Antibacterial action: fights bacteria involved in the appearance of akneal lesions. 
  • Keratolytic action: helps to make the skin smoother and healthier. 


Local treatments such as topical antibiotics (a combination of antibiotics to limit the tolerance shown in microbes from the use of a single type of antibiotic cream), azelaic acid, benzoyl peroxide and topical retinoids as well as systemic treatments such as antibiotics, isotretinoin, antiandrogens and metformin. Always after the recommendation of your dermatologist. Also complementary treatments such as chemical peeling, facial cleansing, and phototherapy.

Pharmacist's advice is important 

In the pharmacy area, there is a wide variety of dermatological products that are suitable for sensitive, oily skin with a tendency for acne or for skin that has passed acne and occasionally displays pimples. These cosmetic products with a dermatologically tested composition on oily skin with an acne tendency, including recognized active reference ingredients, are considered suitable and able to effectively treat the occasional adult acne. 

We recommend you to prefer cosmetics that indicate that their composition do not create black spots or imperfections. There are also many options for the makeup of oily skin with an acne tendency. Make-up, concealer, powders and water-based pencils, without perfume and preservatives, prevent the creation of black spots, correct the colour imperfections of the face and cover perfect marks and scars. Their soft and light texture gives oily skin with a tendency to acne a natural effect, without burdening your skin.

Products for the treatment of adult acne and the appropriate makeup products, you will find here.


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